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Steel Wire Rope

6×25Fi+FC, 6x26WS+FC, 6×29Fi+FC, 6x31WS+FC, 6x36WS+FC, 6x37+FC, 6x41WS+FC, 6x49SWS+FC, 6x55SWS+FC, 6×25Fi+IWR, 6×26WS+IWR, 6×29Fi+IWR, 6×31WS+IWR, 6×36WS+IWR, 6×37+IWR, 6×41WS+IWR, 6×49SWS+IWR,


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Product Description

It is widely used in a variety of lifting, hoisting, and traction equipment.

Also the metallurgical machinery construction field. Such as cranes, construction machinery, shaft lifting, inclined shaft lifting, port loading and unloading, shipbuilding, transportation, mining industry, petroleum, marine engineering, etc.

Steel Wire Rope


1. Diameter from 1.8mm to 260mm with various point and line contacts wire rope, compacted strand wire rope

2. Rope tensile strength grade from 1570Mpa to 2160Mpa

3. Production standard can be the national and international standards

Steel Wire Rope

Round Strand Wire Rope

Rope   Type Typical Construction Rope Diameter(mm) Rope Type Typical Construction Rope Diameter(mm)
Wire Rope Strand Wire Rope Strand
    wire rope
1×7 (1+6) 6~16 6×24 6×24S (FC+12+12) 14~44
1×19 (1+6+12) 10~30 6×24W (FC+8+8/8) 14~44
1×37 (1+6+12+18) 14~42 8×19 8×19S (1+9+9) 16~50
1×61 (1+6+12+18+24) 20~54 8×19W (1+6+6/6) 16~50
1×91 (1+6+12+18+24+30) 30~66 8×25Fi (1+6+6F+12) 18~56
1×127~1×631 50~160 8×26WS (1+5+5/5+10) 16~54
6×7 6×7 (1+6) 6~36 8×31WS (1+6+6/6+12) 16~60
6×19(a) 6×19S (1+9+9) 12~42 8×37(a) 8×36WS (1+7+7/7+14) 18~108
6×19W (1+6+6/6) 12~42 8×41WS (1+8+8/8+16) 28~120
6×25Fi (1+6+6F+12) 16~42 8×49SWS (1+8+8+8/8+16) 40~120
6×26WS (1+5+5/5+10) 16~42 8×55SWS (1+9+9+9/9+18) 40~124
6×31WS (1+6+6/6+12) 18~42 8×37(b) 8×37 (1+6+12+18) 60~86
6×19(b) 6×19 (1+6+12) 9~46 8×61(a) 8×61FWS (1+5+5F+10+10/10+20) 60~136
6×37(a) 6×29Fi (1+7+7F+14) 18~64 8×64SFS (1+9+9+9F+18+18) 60~124
6×36WS (1+7+7/7+14) 16~90 8×61(ab) 8×65FNS (1+6+6F+12-20+20) 60~140
6×41WS (1+8+8/8+16) 38~100 8×80WSNS (1+7+7/7+14-22+22) 50~158
6×49SWS (1+8+8+8/8+16) 38~100 8×84WSNS (1+7+7/7+14-24+24) 60~172
6×55SWS (1+9+9+9/9+18) 38~100 8×91(ab) 8×111SWSNS (1+9+9+9/9+18-28+28 60~156
6×37WS (1+6+15+15) 16~64 8×103FSNS (1+7+7F+14+14-30+30) 60~190
6×37(b) 6×37 (1+6+12+18) 13~66 8×109SWSNS (1+8+8+8/8+16-30+30) 60~190
6×61(a) 6×61FWS (1+5+5F+10+10/10+20) 60~110 8×61(b) 8×61 (1+6+12+18+24) 60~134
6×64FS (1+9+9+9F+18+18) 60~100 18×7 17×7 (1+6) 12~44
6×61(ab) 6×65FNS (1+6+6F+12-20+20) 60~116 18×7 (1+6) 12~55
6×80WSNS (1+7+7/7+14-22+22) 60~130 18×19 18×19S (1+9+9) 18~50
6×84WSNS (1+7+7/7+14-24+24) 60~142 18×19W (1+6+6/6) 14~50
6×91(ab) 6×111SWSNS (1+9+9+9/9+18-28+28) 60~128 18×19 (1+6+12) 14~50
6×103FSNS (1+7+7F+14+14-30+30) 60~156 34×7 34×7 (1+6) 16~60
6×109SWSNS (1+8+8+8/8+16-30+30) 60~156 36×7 (1+6) 16~60
6×61(b) 6×61 (1+6+12+18+24) 40~110 35W×7 35W×7 (1+6) 16~60
6×12 6×12 (FC+12) 8~32 24W×7 (1+6) 16~50
6×24 6×24 (FC+9+15) 30~46

Shaped Strand Wire Rope

Rope   Type Typical Construction Rope Diameter(mm) Rope Type Typical Construction Rope Diameter(mm)
Wire Rope Strand Wire Rope Strand
4V×39 4V×39S (FC+9+15+15) 14~46 6V×19 6V×30 (6+12+12) 22~38
4V×48S (FC+12+18+18) 20~50 6V×34 (/1×7+3/+12+12) 28~44
6V×7 6V×19 (/1×7+3/+9) 20~36 6V×37 6V×37 (/1×7+3/+12+15) 32~52
6V×19 6V×21 (FC+9+12) 18~36 6V×37S (/1×7+3/+12+15) 32~52
6V×24 (FC+12+12) 18~36 6V×43 (/1×7+3/+15+18) 38~58

Compacted Strand Wire Rope

Rope   Type Typical Construction Rope Diameter(mm) Rope Type Typical Construction Rope Diameter(mm)
Wire Rope Strand Wire Rope Strand
6×K7 6×K7 1+6 10~40 8×K36-PWRC(K) 8×K36WS-PWRC(K) 1+7+7/7+14 22~60
6×K19 6×K19S 1+9+9 12~40 15×K7 15×K7 1+6 22~60
6×K26WS 1+5+5/5+10 14~40 16×K7 16×K7 1+6 22~60
6×K31WS 1+6+6/6+12 16~40 18×K7 18×K7 1+6 14~48
6×K36 6×K36WS 1+7+7/7+14 24~68 18×K9 18×K9S 1+9+9 24~60
6×K41WS 1+8+8/8+16 38~68 35W×K7 35W×K7 1+6 14~42
8×K19 8×K17S 1+8+8 16~38 35W×K19S 1+9+9 35~52
8×K19S 1+9+9 16~40 35W×K26WS 1+5+5/5+10 40~60
8×K26WS 1+5+5/5+10 20~42 JL·1618K JL·1618K 1+6 18~60
8×K31WS 1+6+6/6+12 24~50 JL·1710K JL·1710K26WS 1+5+5/5+10 20~50
8×K36 8×K36WS 1+7+7/7+14 28~78 JL·1710K31WS 1+6+6/6+12 20~50
8×K41WS 1+8+8/8+16 30~78 JL·1710K36WS 1+7+7/7+14 30~50
8×K19-PWRC(K) 8×K19S-PWRC(K) 1+9+9 20~48 JL·1712K JL·1712K7 1+6 20~40
8×K26WS-PWRC(K) 1+5+5/5+10 20~48 JL·1710K719S 1+9+9 30~60
8×K31WS-PWRC(K) 1+6+6/6+12 20~56

Steel Cable

Rope   Type Typical Construction Rope Diameter(mm) Rope Type Typical Construction Rope Diameter(mm)
Wire Rope Strand Wire Rope Strand
7×[6×37(a)+IWR] 6×[6×36WS+IWR]+IWRC 192~260 9×[6×37(a)+IWR] 8×[6×36WS+IWR]+IWRC 192~260
6×[6×41WS+IWR]+IWRC 192~260 8×[6×41WS+IWR]+IWRC 192~260
6×[6×49SWS+IWR]+IWRC 192~260 8×[6×49SWS+IWR]+IWRC 192~260
7×[6×61(a)+IWR] 6×[6×55SWS+IWR]+IWRC 192~260 9×[6×61(a)+IWR] 8×[6×55SWS+IWR]+IWRC 192~260
6×[6×61FWS+IWR]+IWRC 192~260 8×[6×61FWS+IWR]+IWRC 192~260
6×[6×64SFS+IWR]+IWRC 192~260 6×[6×64SFS+IWR]+IWRC 192~260
7×[6×37(b)+IWR] 6×[6×37+IWR]+IWRC 192~260 9×[6×37(b)+IWR] 8×[6×37+IWR]+IWRC 192~260
7×[6×61(b)+IWR] 6×[6×61+IWR]+IWRC 192~260 9×[6×61(b)+IWR] 8×[6×61+IWR]+IWRC 192~260



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